Thursday, February 14, 2008

Web. Page

I went to EBSC database and tried to create a "Web Page". I chose the background color and typed some text. I did not have enough time to finish so I went home and tried to continue. But I could not open my page and I could not do anything at home. So, next day at school I tried again and it worked. I was not sure what I was doing but finally I kind understood what that search box is. Most of my Japanese classes, we do not do research. So I chose my 4th year IB class and listed all the students' IB research topics. Their topics are like "onsen"(Japanese hot springs). "Bon odori", "Naruto" and "Namie Amuro". I typed "bon odori in that search box and I found two articles and one book on Bon odori. I read the outline of the article. These articles will not be helpful for the student. I did the similar things for "onsen". I found one article that might help my student. If I were writing a research paper, for the social science class or history class, this web page will be great, I thought. When I was in school, I never had this and I spent many hours looking for books and articles in front of the card catalogue.( Wow I am old.)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Its so great how you take time to really explore things!